Parodia Leninghausii
If you’re a fan of cactus flowers, you will probably like Parodia leninghausii. Very easygoing and low-maintenance, as long as you provide it with basic needs, it will bloom for you and possibly more than once a year.
Flowers aside, other interesting features include their golden thorns that glisten in the sunlight and clustering growth habit that quickly fills out a container.
Botanical name: Parodia leninghausii
Other names: Eriocactus leninghausii, golden ball cactus, lemon ball cactus, Notocactus leninghausii
Parodia leninghausii for sale at the nursery
Parodia leninghausii Appearance
Parodia leninghausii is a short columnar cactus that grows new stems from the base. It can reach 2 feet in height but is often shorter than that outside of its natural habitat.
The evergreen stems appear golden due to the numerous golden spines that cover the cactus. Some parts of the stems are wider than other, giving them a wavy appearance. They have around 30 ribs that go up and down the stems.
Bright yellow flowers appear at the top of the cactus when in bloom. The cactus may bloom more than once a year.
Followed by a round fruit that contains tiny seeds.
Parodia leninghausii Landscaping Tips
Parodia leninghausii looks and performs great in containers, which also allow for transfer to the indoors during frost.
Easy indoor houseplant as long as it receives bright sunlight.
Does not perform well during below frost temperatures.
Be careful not to overwater, especially in the winter.
Partial shade is best in the Palm Springs region.
The golden thorns are tough but not sharp compared to most cacti. Many gardeners describe the thorns as being bristle-like.
Grows lots of offsets near the base. Easy to propagate and share.
Parodia leninghausii Origin
Parodia leninghausii is from a temperate region in southern Brazil
Parodia leninghausii Care
Soil: Loose, well-draining soil that is lightly fertile.
Temperature: Can withstand temperatures down to frost (= 32 degrees) for a short period of time.
Water: Occasional, deep watering. Allow the soil to completely dry out between waterings. Either use a moisture meter or stick your finger through the soil to gauge the moisture level. It’s better to err on the side of underwatering than overwatering.
Sun: Full sun to partial shade
Parodia leninghausii in detail
Parodia leninghausii Problems
Pests: Parodia leninghausii has minimal pests. Fungal diseases from root rot, dry rot, and harsh weather conditions.
Signs of overwatering: Drooping, squishy texture
Signs of too little water: Shriveling, drying skin
Signs of too much sun: Burning, scarring, fading color
Signs of too little sun: Etiolation, discoloring
Parodia leninghausii Propagation
Propagate Parodia leninghausii by removing and relocating stems/offsets.
How much does Parodia leninghausii cost?
At our nursery, Parodia leninghausii costs $15 for a 1 gallon container and $45 for a 5 gallon container.
Prices are subject to change. Please contact us for the most up-to-date information on pricing. We may have larger sizes available. We provide installation services locally at a separate cost.
Is Parodia leninghausii Prickly?
The thorns are tough but not prickly compared to most cacti. Many gardeners describe the thorns as being bristle-like.
How can I encourage my Parodia leninghausii to bloom?
Parodia leninghausii blooms easily when grown outdoors. Provide full sun. Partial shade is fine in Palm Springs region and other areas with similar climates. Provide cactus fertilizer if the soil is devoid of nutrients.
SIZE (H X W) | 2 feet X 0.5 feet |
FLOWER SEASON | Spring to Fall |
EXPOSURE | Full Sun to Partial Shade |
WATER | Low |
GROWTH RATE | Moderate |
HARDINESS | 32º F, USDA Zone 10 |
PRUNING | None |